šŸ¤™ Iā€™m Ruslan Belyy. I just like to build cool shit.

Ever since I was a kid, I've been the go-to tech guy in my family. Growing up playing games, building computers, and helping family members with every computer problem they could find led me into a passionate career in IT.

Over the years, I've dedicated myself to honing my skills across various programming languages and frameworks. From web development to mobile applications, I've immersed myself in different domains, always seeking opportunities for growth and expanding my knowledge. Technology is a rapidly evolving field, and I find it exhilarating to stay ahead of the latest advancements and tackle new challenges along the way.

Nowadays you'll find me as the COO of Intruity, where I help arcitect and enginner the soltuoins that enable our developers and technology to scale. I'm also a co-founder of PixelDevs, our ambition is to transform your concepts into tangible realities, making it easier to place your vision directly into your clients' hands. Feel free to take a look around my portfolio to see what I've been up to.